
Defamation is a false statement that injures a third party’s reputation or business. Defamation can be oral (slander) or written (libel). In this age of online communications and frequent use of social media, claims of defamation are becoming increasingly common. A false or defamatory statement can not only cause damage to an individual or company’s business, profits, or client base but can cause emotional harm and other damages to individuals and their companies.

Media has become an integral part of our everyday world.  The attorneys at Hillary Johns, Trial Lawyer provide litigation and transactional services as well as real life advice in several aspects of media law. Hillary Johns, Trial Lawyer provides representation in the areas of.

  • Online Defamation
  • Written and Online Publications
  • Libel
  • Slander
  • Defamation litigation
  • Publicity rights
  • Online and social media case assessments
  • Workplace defamation
  • Torts relating to damage to professional reputation
  • Torts relating to damage to business entities
  • Cyber liability
  • Moral rights
  • Media relations
  • False light
  • Trade libel
  • Alternative dispute resolution
  • Litigation and trial
  • Right of use of image and media

Contact the Firm


Beverly Hills Office


9465 Wilshire Boulevard,
Beverly Hills, California 90212



San Ramon Office


9 Crow Canyon Court,
Suite 210,
San Ramon, California 94583



New York City Office


200 Park Avenue South,
New York, New York 10003

